Maryann Thompson


Massage Therapist


Slow and steady

Areas of Interest: working with different ailments, combining massage, supplements, diet, and chiropractic treatments

Maryann has always been interested in the human body, especially the musculoskeletal system. So when a massage therapist friend introduced her to it, she loved it and it made sense that she would lean into this interest and study massage herself. She graduated from The Salon Professional Academy in 2020 and is trained in deep tissue, trigger point, cupping, and prenatal massage, among others. Maryann takes pride in constantly learning new modalities and ways to treat the muscles of each patient. She will always modify care to meet the patient’s needs.

She is very committed to helping others on their healing journeys. Maryann knows that healing the body takes time and commitment – it’s a marathon, not a sprint. She advocates for consistency and early intervention for her patients. The sooner you start taking care of yourself, the better the outcome. 

Maryann enjoys spending her time with family and friends, as well as her cat, Zara. She likes doing yoga, reading, listening to podcasts, and being outdoors.


Special Training

  • Cupping

Certifications & Associations

  • Massage therapy certificate



  • Deep tissue

  • Trigger point

  • Prenatal


Robbinsdale Location

Address: 4926 42nd Ave N, Robbinsdale, MN 55422
Phone: (763) 537-3927
Fax: (763) 537-1421

Maryann’s availability

Monday | 8:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday | 8:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday | 1:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday | 8:00am - 6:00pm